Forensics and Criminology E-Books

Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems An easy-to-understand synopsis of identification systems, presenting in simple language the process of fingerprint identification, from the initial capture of a set of finger images, to the production of a Rapsheet. No other single work exists which reviews this important identification process from beginning to end. We examine the identification process for latent (crime scene) prints and how they are identified with these systems. While the primary focus is automated fingerprint identifications, the book also touches on the emergence and use of fingerprints in other biometric systems.

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Bloodstain Pattern Analysis:
With An Introduction to Crime Scene Reconstruction Bloodstain pattern analysis helps establish events associated with violent crimes. It is a critical bridge between forensics and the definition of a precise crime reconstruction. The second edition of this bestselling book is thoroughly updated to employ recent protocols, including the application of scientific method, the use of flow charts, and the inter-relationship of crime scene analysis to criminal profiling. It provides more illustrations, including color photographs, and explains the use of computer programs to create demonstrative evidence for court. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis provides forensic scientists, investigators, and attorneys with quick and accurate information.

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Confidential Informant:
Law Enforcement's Most Valuable Tool While television super sleuths like Columbo and Quincy are famous for solving crimes through brilliant deductions and scientific evidence, in reality it is the use of informants that leads to the arrests and convictions of more criminals than any other investigative technique in law enforcement. Confidential Informant: Understanding Law Enforcement's Most Valuable Tool explores the covert and clandestine world of informants-revealing the secrets of how to find them and make the most out of them, while at the same time, avoiding the pitfalls of dealing with them. The book examines all aspects of informant development and management, from the motivation of the informant to the legal problems that accompany the use of informants in criminal cases.

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Firearms and Violence:
A Critical Review Readers of the research literature on firearms may sometimes find themselves unable to distinguish scholarship from advocacy. Given the importance of this issue, there is a pressing need for a clear and unbiased assessment of the existing portfolio of data and research. Firearms and Violence uses conventional standards of science to examine three major themes - firearms and violence, the quality of research, and the quality of data available. The book assesses the strengths and limitations of current databases, examining current research studies on firearm use and the efforts to reduce unjustified firearm use and suggests ways in which they can be improved.

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Forensic Evidence:
Science and The Criminal Law Forensic Evidence: Science and the Criminal Law, Second Edition offers a complete overview and analysis of the scientific and legal aspects of each of the forensic disciplines. It updates cases and discusses the most recent applications of Frye/Daubert, the admissibility of eyewitness identification, the explosion of cases and statutes addressing post-conviction DNA, the recent rise in attention to cold cases, and other challenges. As challenges to forensic evidence become increasingly rigorous, so does the need for intense preparation. This is the book that those in the forensic sciences need to have on hand to successfully prepare for what may await them in the courtroom.

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Gunshot Wounds:
Practical Aspects of Firearm Ballistics Written by the nation's foremost authority on gunshot wounds and forensic techniques as they relate to firearm injuries, Gunshot Wounds: Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics, and Forensic Techniques, Second Edition provides critical information on gunshot wounds and the weapons and ammunition used to inflict them. The book describes practical aspects of ballistics, wound ballistics, and the classification of various wounds caused by handguns, bang guns, rifles, and shotguns. The final chapters explain autopsy technique and procedure and laboratory analysis relating to weapons and gunshot evidence.

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Investigating Child Exploitation and Pornography
Crime scenes associated with child sexual exploitation & trafficking in child pornography were once limited to physical locations such as school playgrounds, trusted neighbors' homes, camping trips & seedy darkly lit back rooms of adult bookstores. The explosion of Internet use has created a virtual hunting ground for sexual predators & has fueled a brisk, multi-billion dollar trade in the associated illicit material. Approximately half of the caseload in computer crimes units involves the computer assisted sexual exploitation of children. Despite the scale of this problem, or perhaps because of it, there are no published resources that bring together the complex mingling of disciplines & expertise required to put together a computer assisted child exploitation case. This work fills this void, providing police, prosecutors & forensic examiners with the historical, legal, technical, & social background for the laws prohibiting child exploitation.

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The Lie Behind the Lie Detector POLYGRAPH "testing" has no scientific basis: it's entirely dependent on your ignorance and fear. Educate yourself. In this book, you will discover the trickery on which polygraph "testing" depends, and learn how to make sure you pass your polygraph "test."

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Rape Investigation Handbook
This work addresses specific investigative and forensic processes related to sex crimes for those who work in law enforcement, the defense community, or in the private sector. It is an unprecedented collaborative work -- the first working manual for sex crime investigators, written by sex crime investigators and forensic scientists.

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Stalking and Violence:
New Patterns of Trauma and Obsession Stalking and Violence: New Patterns of Obsession and Trauma provides new perspectives on the prevalence, causes, and effects of stalking in intimate and non-intimate relations. Drawing on the results of a large random survey of restraining orders, this book found that stalking is highly prevalent in a variety of relationships and is a pattern of behaviors that is routinely regulated by the demographic and social characteristics of the victims and offenders. This book demonstrates that it is possible to develop reliable stalker profiles to help better detect and respond to the threat of stalking. These findings differ from previous studies that considered stalking limited to severely disturbed persons. Covering a wide range of topics from offender profiling, the dangers of stalking, cyberstalking, traumatic health effects, and the responses of the police and courts to stalking, this book will be relevant to a wide range of professionals and students in the fields of mental health, criminal justice, law, social work, medicine, nursing, public health, security/safety, and internet technology.

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The Counter-terrorism Handbook - 2nd Edition
The Counterterrorism Handbook, Second Edition guides law enforcement as well as industrial and private security personnel through a terrorism situation or potential threat, including bomb threats, hostage situations, kidnapping, and negotiation. The authors group the material by chronological sequence: pre-incident, including planning and preparation; incident, concerning terrorist situations as they unfold; and post-incident, including the ranking officers' roles in supervising police response. New topics include international terrorism, cults, the effects of the new millennium, and analyses of events such as the Oklahoma City bombing and Waco.

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Time of Death:
Decomposition and Identification A postmortem X-ray of a male homicide victim reveals a bullet lodged next to his spine. That he was shot is clear. How recently? is what death investigators must determine. The answer: the absence of scar tissue surrounding the bullet proves the victim had been recently shot.And while the average person may find tattoos to be creative and aesthetic, to the trained death investigator, they can actually be the key to aiding in the eventual identification of a body.They say the dead can't speak. But in the fascinating field of forensic pathology, the deceased can tell an elaborate story, especially when death investigators know what clues to look for.The first volume in the new Forensic Pathology Atlases: Causes of Death Series, this book takes an in-depth look at the determination of the time of death, postmortem changes, and identification. In TIME OF DEATH, DECOMPOSITION AND IDENTIFICATION, you'll learn through the extensive use of photographs and discussion how estimating the time of death can rarely be accomplished with scientific accuracy. You'll learn about the numerous changes the body undergoes after death, and how positive and probable identifications are made.For death investigators, law enforcement officers, attorneys, and anyone else involved in forensic death cases, TIME OF DEATH, DECOMPOSITION AND IDENTIFICATION is a "must have" resource.

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Handwriting Identification:
Facts and Fundamentals
"Forensic document examination is the study of physical evidence and physical evidence cannot lie. Only its interpretation can err. Only the failure to find it, or to hear its true testimony can deprive it of its value."- Roy Huber, authorA definitive review of handwriting identification, this book presents, in a general manner, how to approach document examination and then, in particular, how to apply handwriting identification to the document. Types of handwriting are discussed in detail.For the first time in the field of questioned document examination, Handwriting Identification: Facts and Fundamentals consolidates the pertinent information from published and unpublished sources respecting writing, that is essential to the expansion of a practitioner's general knowledge of handwriting identification and to the proper education of novices. Written in a question and answer format, the book suggests some of the questions that one might ask of an examiner and provides the answers that knowledgeable and competent examiners should be expected to give. This book is a valuable addition to law libraries and to every practicing document examiner, as well as every lawyer handling cases in which the authenticity of handwriting might be disputed.

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Clinical and Forensic Aspects Growing in popularity more than any other illegal drug, methamphetamine has been shown to produce a paranoid psychotic state, which may recur months or years after use. The first to cover virtually every aspect of amphetamine/methamphetamine use and abuse, this book reviews the history, pharmacology, pathology, and physiology of methamphetamine as well as its use in criminal forensic cases. It addresses Daubert considerations as well as victim/witness credibility, competency to confess and to stand trial, criminal responsibility, extreme emotion as mitigation to murder, and dangerousness. It also details statutes and case law to represent perspectives of both the prosecution and the defense.

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Sexual Murder:
Catathymic and Compulsive Homicides Sexual Murder: Catathymic and Compulsive Homicides will take its place alongside Cleckley's Mask of Sanity, Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis, and Ressler et al's Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives as a classic in our specialized field of criminal forensic psychology. … Dr. Schlesinger is interested in the inner life of the sexual murderer … [and] finds answers to questions that disturb and frighten most people: Why would anyone be sexually aroused by violence? How could anyone contemplate, let alone commit, such horrendous acts? … This book is a brilliant integration and application of previous theory and research, and advances the field of criminal forensic psychology.

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Practical Drug Enforcement - 2nd Edition
Practical Drug Enforcement, Second Edition offers an incisive look at the technical methods required to conduct successful drug investigations. It explores specific enforcement problems, such as marijuana cultivation, clandestine laboratories, crack houses, booby traps, and raid planning. This second edition has been thoroughly updated, and it discusses contemporary concerns, recent case studies, and new developments in the law.

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The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers "Uproariously funny" doesn't seem a likely description for a book on cadavers. However, Roach, a Salon and Reader's Digest columnist, has done the nearly impossible and written a book as informative and respectful as it is irreverent and witty. From her opening lines ("The way I see it, being dead is not terribly far off from being on a cruise ship. Most of your time is spent lying on your back"), it is clear that she's taking a unique approach to issues surrounding death. Roach delves into the many productive uses to which cadavers have been put, from medical experimentation to applications in transportation safety research (in a chapter archly called "Dead Man Driving") to work by forensic scientists quantifying rates of decay under a wide array of bizarre circumstances. There are also chapters on cannibalism, including an aside on dumplings allegedly filled with human remains from a Chinese crematorium, methods of disposal (burial, cremation, composting) and "beating-heart" cadavers used in organ transplants. Roach has a fabulous eye and a wonderful voice as she describes such macabre situations as a plastic surgery seminar with doctors practicing face-lifts on decapitated human heads and her trip to China in search of the cannibalistic dumpling makers.

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October 7, 2008 at 4:25 PM

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