Modern Food Microbiology (Food Science Texts Series)

ebook description:


Modern Food Microbiology (Food Science Texts Series) by James M. Jay
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 083421671X ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780834216716
Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 720
Publication Date: 2000-01-01
An Aspen Food Science Text Series Book. A new, sixth edition brings benefits to professors and students alike who will find new chapters on food preservation by modified atmosphere, high pressure and pulsed electric field processing, and foodborne pathogens; additional sections covering new food regulations, fresh-cut produce, new food products, and risk assessment and analysis; and thorough updating of taxonomies, text, illustrations, and references throughout. Coverage includes: historical background; overview of microorganisms in food and what allows them to grow; specific microorganisms in fresh, fermented, and processed meats, poultry, seafood, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and other products; scientific methods for finding and measuring microorganisms and their products in foods; scientific methods for preserving foods; food safety and quality controls; foodborne diseases; and in-depth references following each chapter, appendixes, and index. A helpful Instructor's manual is available to adopting professors. download links:
